Journey of You Archives - 7 books that shaped my life

7 Books That Shaped How I See Life

I have read or listened to over 200 books. While most of them are good books, there are a few that left a lasting impression. Their impact didn’t come from the greatness of the content or the structure of the book. It came from a combination of personal circumstances, mindset, timing, and the essence of…

Thumbnail - do you believe Jesus is the resurrection and the life

Do You Truly Believe Jesus Is The Resurrection and The Life?

Friday, July 29th, 2022 Click for Daily Readings Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and anyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” ~ Jn 11:25-26 Today, I reflect on Martha’s interaction with Jesus. Specifically,…