bible reflections - Letting Go of Attachments for Spiritual Fulfillment

Letting Go of Attachments for Spiritual Fulfillment

This reflection encourages aligning your life with God’s plan and to focus on spiritual fulfillment rather than worldly pursuits.
It suggests there is no need to make major sacrifices or deny oneself of fun and entertainment to follow God’s will but there’s is need to letting go of using worldly pursuits as the only means for happiness.

Bible reflections - Embracing Your Authentic Self in the Face of Criticism

Embracing Your Authentic Self in the Face of Criticism

This reflection explores the importance of taking the time to explore who you are, asserting your beliefs and opinions, and equipping yourself with strategies to effectively handle criticism.

It emphasizes the need to have self-confidence when making your decisions, and also encourages people to take advantage of the advice from critiques, even when it may not necessarily be in agreement with their own.

Bible reflections - The Power of Recognizing Divine Intervention in Our Lives

The Power of Recognizing Divine Intervention in Our Lives”

This reflection encourages us to acknowledge the spiritual world.
To notice and appreciate the miraculous and serendipitous moments, and to remember that all these events are happening for a greater, divine purpose.
It reminds us that miracles and coincidences can still occur, so we should celebrate and remember them.

Bible Reflections - are you settling or producing your best

Are Settling or Producing Your Best Fruit with What You Have?

Click for Daily Readings “but on Cain and his offering he did not.” ~ Gn 4:5 Today, I’m reflecting on the first reading, which is Genesis 4:15, 25. I don’t fully understand the context of the story, so I’m just gonna share what came to mind as I read it. This is the story of…

Where are your beliefs stopping you from seeing better ways to live?

Where are you letting your beliefs stop you from seeing better ways to live?

Click for Daily Readings “Yet even when you saw that you did not later change your minds and believe him.” ~ Mt 21:32 Today, I’m also talking about the Gospel, which is Matthew 21:28-32. It talks about Jesus sharing with the chief priests a, a parable about a father asking each of his two sons…

thumbnail with blog title questioning, willingness, and recognition of God

Questioning, Willingness, and Recognition of the Word of god

Click for Daily Readings “For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.” Lk 1:44 Today, I share three things that came to mind as I read the Gospel readings. They describe two scenarios in Luke, Chapter 1, verses 26 to 48, regarding the…