The Ten Commandments as Descriptions of Faithful Alignment

The Ten Commandments as Descriptions of Faithful Alignment

Click here for Daily Readings Today, I share a different take on the story of Moses receiving the commandments. This is in Exodus chapter 20, verses 1-17. Traditionally, we hear about the commandments are rules we must follow, or else face punishment. But, what that wasn’t the original intent. This is a perspective I heard…

The Power of Awareness, What Differentiates The Rich From The Poor

The Power of Awareness: What Differentiates The Rich From The Poor

Click here for Daily Readings Today, I chose to mediate on the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13, verses 10-17. This passage delves into the disciples’ inquiry about Jesus’ use of parables. Jesus response was something like: “Hey, you have been with me throughout this time. You probably understand where I’m coming from. These people don’t…

Bible Reflections - 20230726 - The Sower's Perspective, Planting Seeds of Goodwill

The Sower’s Perspective: Planting Seeds of Goodwill

Click here for Daily Readings “…A sower went out to sow…” ~ Mt 13: 3b Today’s Gospel from Matthew, chapter 13, verses one through nine, shares the familiar parable of the sower of seeds. I’d like to step back from the usual analogy of us representing the different type of soil and explore a different…

Unveiling Sincerity: The Meaning Behind Our Spiritual Commitments

Unveiling Sincerity: The Meaning Behind Our Spiritual Commitments

Jesus said in reply, “You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the chalice that I am going to drink?” They said to him, “We can.” ~ Mt 20:22 Click here for Daily Readings Today, I’m reflecting on James and John’s response to Jesus’ question in the Gospel of Matthew 20:20-28. Their…

Following Your Inner Voice: Learning to listen to your Soul

Following Your Inner Voice: Learning to listen to your Soul

Click here for Daily Readings “Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” ~ Jn 14:5 Today, I’m using the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verses one through six, as inspiration for a life lesson I am currently learning. This time, Jesus is talking…

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Embracing Your Authentic Self: Finding Purpose and True Connections

Click here for Daily Readings “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” ~ Jn 10:27 Today, I’m also using the gospel because it aligns with some of the things I discussed in yesterday’s reflection. It’s the Gospel of John chapter 10, verses 22 to 30. It starts with some of…